Wednesday 12 March
Construction, finish » Construction work

Nr. Works and resource name Measures Quantity (enter) Price Sum Info
1 Installation of foundation (piles) m3
2 Installation of foundation (polar belt) m3
3 Installation of foundation (assembled) m3
4 Installation of foundation (grillage) m3
5 Installation of hydro isolation of foundation m2
6 Installation of thermal insulation of foundation m2
7 Brickwork (ceramic blocks) m3
8 Brickwork (ceramsite-concrete blocks) m3
9 Brickwork (silicate blocks) m3
10 Brickwork (spongy concrete blocks) m3
11 Brickwork (silicate bricks) m3
12 Brickwork (clinker bricks) m2
13 Brickwork (ceramic bricks) m3
14 Wall installation (monolith) m3
15 Wall installation (timber 160 mm) m2
16 Wall installation (timber 190 mm) m2
17 Wall installation (timber 240 mm) m2
18 Wall installation (framework) m3
19 Brickwork of partitions (blocks) m2
20 Brickwork of partitions (bricks) m2
21 Installation of partitions (monolith) m3
22 Installation of partitions (timber 160 mm) m2
23 Installation of partitions (frame 100 mm) m2
24 Installation of partitions (glass 10 mm) m2
25 Installation of partition’s frame (Plaster pasteboard) m2
26 Assembly of lintels (reinforced concrete assembled up to 100 kg) unit
27 Assembly of lintels (reinforced concrete assembled over 100 kg) unit
28 Assembly of lintels (metal, up to 100 kg) unit
29 Assembly of lintels (metal, over 100 kg) unit
30 Installation of lintels (monolith) m3
31 Installation of diaphragm (monolith) m3
32 Installation of diaphragm (concrete panel) m2
33 Installation of diaphragm (wood) m2
34 Assembly of beams m
35 Assembly of joists m2
36 Installation of roof thermal insulation (sloped) m3
37 Installation of roof thermal insulation (flat) m3
38 Assembly of laths (beams) m2
39 Assembly of laths (OSB) m2
40 Assembly of roofing (steely) m2
41 Assembly of roofing (ceramic tiles) m2
42 Assembly of roofing (bituminous tiles) m2
43 Assembly of roofing (concrete tiles) m2
44 Assembly of roofing (slate) m2
45 Assembly of roofing (roll) m2
46 Installation of chimney (ventilation, 1 vent) m
47 Installation of chimney (ventilation, 2 vents) m
48 Installation of chimney (ventilation, 3 vents) m
49 Installation of chimney (ventilation, 4 vents) m
50 Installation of chimney (ventilation, 5 vents) m
51 Installation of chimney (heating, 1 vent) m2
52 Installation of chimney (heating, 2 vents) m
53 Installation of chimney flues (stainless steel) m
54 Assembly of inserts m
55 Installation of ventilation chimneys unit
56 Assembly of sunroofs unit
57 Assembly of widows (wood) m2
58 Assembly of widows (aluminium/plastic) m2
59 Assembly of windows (aluminium) m2
60 Assembly of windowsills (tin) m
61 Assembly of windowsills (plastic) m
62 Assembly of windowsills (mdf) m
63 Assembling of windowsills (wood) m
64 Assembling of windowsills (stone) m
65 Installation of thermal insulation of floors (up to 100 mm) m3
66 Concrete pouring of floors (mortar) m3
Works price
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